Balance. Restore. Revive.
Danzan healing arts are a system of techniques and principles stemming from Professor Okazaki's training and experience in Japanese Seifukujitsu and Hawaiian Lomilomi.
Students of Burbank Danzan Dojo are taught Kappo (resuscitations) and Danzan bodywork as a function of class. Periodic classes are focused on advanced healing arts and special seminars are provided for deeper understanding of Danzan Healing. DZRSI certification classes are offered annually in a separate environment.
Danzan Seifukujitsu was developed as a form of physical therapy in the early 20th century by the founder of Danzan Ryu Jujitsu, Professor Seishiro Okazaki. Trained in both Japanese (Seifukujitsu) and Hawaiian (Lomilomi) healing arts, Master Okazaki was a world renowned healer treating patients such as President Franklin Roosevelt, George Burns, Charlie Chaplin, Carol Lombard, Johnny Weismuller, and many others.
Sensei Kimo Williams is a certified Therapist through the Danzan Ryu Seifukujitsu Institute and instructs Hawaiian Healing Traditions. Kimo also teaches Danzan Healing workshops throughout California.